For individual presentation, a confection, a praline or another delicacy is well kept in a capsule. The paper capsule securely encloses the contents. The capsules are made of pergamin paper or pergamin substitute. What is glassine paper? Pure cellulose paper, recyclable, compostable, tasteless and odourless, breathable, food safe. White and brown are the most popular colours for capsules. Shapes in oval, round and square are available.
Customise your capsule
However, if you would like your own colour, shape and company print, please do not hesitate to contact us.
A TIP: The company lettering on the bottom of the capsule is the manufacturer's charming greeting just before enjoying the little treat.
Special designs with company embossing are possible from 20,000 pieces.
Special designs allow you to transfer your corporate design or company image onto your capsules. This way you remain unique and characteristic!